- Prep Time: 25 minutes
- Serving: 6
Nutrition facts (per portion)
- Calories: 250
Trahanoto® velour with baby squids in tomato sauce
- For the Trahanoto® we will need:
- 2 Trahanoto® boxes - 600gr
- 1lt chicken broth
- 3 table spoons butter
- 1 big onion, chopped
- Salt and pepper for taste
- For the baby squids you will need:
- 600g squid, well cleaned
- 1 big onion, blended
- 1 cup olive oil
- 1 garlic clove, chopped
- 1 glass fresh tomato, chopped
- 1 tsp turmeric
- Salt and pepper for taste
For the squid:
Clean and prepare the baby squids. Cut them in small pieces. Heat the olive oil in a cooking pot. When the olive oil is warm, add the squid, mashed onion and garlic. Sauté all the ingredients while stirring regularly with a wooden spoon. When all liquids have been absorbed, add the pepper and turmeric. Mix well and add the chopped tomato. Season with salt and pepper. Cook over low heat until the squid becomes tender and the sauces becomes thick enough.
For the Trahanoto®:
- In a sauté pan heat the butter over medium heat. Add the Trahanoto® and sauté until all the butter is absorbed. Poor the broth little-by-little, in small portions. Cook while stirring regularly with a wooden spoon. Once the broth is absorbed, poor the next portion. Repeat until all the broth is absorbed.
- The Trahanoto® is ready -when tender but not overcooked- remove from heat and leave to rest and cool for a minute. Move the Trahanoto® in a blender and blend, until its texture is thick enough.
- Move from the blender to a cooking pot and heat the velour Trahanoto®, while stirring. When the Trahanoto® is warm enough, serve the Trahanoto® and add the squids.